Full Stack Software Engineer
Find Out meI'm a Full Stack Software Engineer, heavily focused on backend. I'm skilled at developing enterprise leveled high performing application.
Having 9+ years professional experience with a demonstrated history of working in the software industry. Skilled in Java, Spring Framework, Hibernate, GWT, MySQL and more versatile technologies. Experience of large-scale enterprise software development in survey system, media asset management and home care domain. Strong engineering professional with a Master's degree focused in Computer Science and Engineering from Jahangirnagar University.
See more!Programming | Backend (Java – Spring, Hibernate, JUnit), Frontend Web (Java – Applet, GWT, JavaScript - AngularJS, jQuery), Desktop (Java – Swing, C# - WPF, NUnit, White, C++ - MFC) |
Database | MySQL, MS SQL Server |
IDE | IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio, VS code, NetBeans |
SCM | Git + Github, Mercurial, SVN, Bazaar |
Others | Issue Tracker – Jira, Build tool – Maven, SCRUM, DevOps - Apache Tomcat, Nginx, Jenkins, AWS, Docker |
VDFEditor GWT – Web editor of company’s own data format. Tools & Techs - GWT, Eclipse, Maven, Git, Junit.
Dart Applet - UI to control recording. Tools & Techs - Java applet, Ant, Eclipse, SVN.
Adobe Assistant - VizOne’s plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro. Tools & Techs - AngularJS, NodeJS, Extendscript, Jasmin, VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Mercurial.
Logger - Provides logging of videos. Tools & Techs -WPF (C#), NUnit, White, Visual Studio, Mercurial.
Avid Assistant - Integration of VizOne and Avid system. Tools & Techs -WPF (C#), Visual Studio, Mercurial
Importer - Import videos from industry-standard cameras or card readers. Tools & Techs - WPF (C#), Mercurial
Easycut - High resolution NLE video editor. Tools & Techs - MFC (C++), Visual Studio 2008, Mercurial.
Precut - Low resolution NLE video editor. Tools & Techs - MFC (C++), Visual Studio 2008, Mercurial.
Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering having Grade A (3.84/4.00) from 2010 to 2011. Thesis topic: Eye Detection in Color Image using Morphological operation.
Bachelor's degree in ComputerScience and Engineering having Grade A- (3.61/4.00) from 2006 to 2010. Thesis topic: Performance Improvement of a Wireless Link using Adaptive Equalizer.
Higher Secondary Certificate in Science group having Grade A+ (5.00/5.00). The session was 2003 - 2004.
Secondary School Certificate in Science group having Grade A (4.75/5.00). The session was 2001 - 2002.
In this paper, two adaptive algorithms LMS and FDAF are compared in adaptive equalization of QPSK and 16-QAM signal under multipath fading. The results and discussions section of the paper shows the simulated result but in real life case ...
Flyway is very useful, lightweight and handy for daily database migration. In production environment, we don’t allow any ORM framework to change database ddl structure. .. In my case, I’ve implemented Datasource based multi tenancy. So, it uses datasource that is ..
In Java multi tenant database application, we resolve tenant ID for every web transaction. After resolving tenant ID, we set it to tenant context and retrieve it later from anywhere in application to access database within the scope of current thread. Typical tenant context should looks as follows:
In Spring framework, we can generate a cron job that may run every five minutes (or any custom time) to check if the heap dump generation condition meet, and if it meets criteria, then application generate heap dump without doing hampers to any other features. .. In this way, we can generate heap dump easily..
Want to talk? Give me a call or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!